Napier’s Draft City Wide Reserve Management Plan is ready for your review. With over 700 hectares of parks, reserves, and sportsgrounds, your feedback has shaped this plan, and now we’d like to know if we’ve got it right!
Napier has more than 700 hectares of parks, reserves and sportsgrounds that we think are special, and clearly, so do you.
Reserve management plans are required by the Reserves Act and provide for the use, enjoyment, maintenance, protection and preservation of our reserves. We are legally required to regularly review our Reserve Management Plan. Your feedback helped us to create Napier’s draft City Wide Reserve Management Plan. Now, we invite you to tell us whether we’ve got it right.
Once we have a final City Wide plan in place, we will turn our attention to detailed plans for individual reserves.
Read the Draft City Wide Reserve Management Plan here
We've provided a number of ways for people to have their say on Napier's Draft City Wide Reserve Management Plan. If you need assistance or would like a full copy of the document, please visit our Customer Service Centre, Napier Library, or Taradale Library, where our friendly teams are ready to help.
Ways to submit:
Make sure to have your say by 5pm, Friday 28 February, 2025. You can also request to present your views in person at a Council hearing in April 2025.
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